Business Copywriting Portfolio
Magazine Advertorials, Articles, Letters, Press Releases

Well written copy makes all the difference to the audience it’s intended to reach.
Duncan Robinson, Wealth & Estate Planning Folder
If you’ve heard Duncan speak, you know he leaves a lasting impression whether speaking one-on-one or to a group. This folder captures Duncan’s roots, passions and how he can help you safeguard your future. Great take-home piece for clients. View Folder
Barefoot RMT Brochure
Explaining how massage therapy can remedy foot pain is just one service provided by Barefoot RMT. This colourful brochure filled with just the right amount of content and images makes it easy for clients to understand how many health conditions are a result of problems stemming from the feet. View Brochure
That’s How I Roll Presentation Folder
The five pages in this presentation folder explains the interior painting and restoration services of That’s How I Roll. The stepped pages make it an ideal marketing piece to quickly make an impression when given to property managers, contractors, realtors, et cetera. View Folder
Terry Grant, Mantracker
Terry Grant: Always Learning. Always Thinking Outside the Box, Horse Country, 2011
After five seasons on Canada’s outdoor reality show, Mantracker®, and years of forensic knowledge of the land, Terry Grant’s goal is to make the horse standard equipment throughout Canadian search and rescue operations looking for missing people in the woods. Read Article
Township of Langley, Profile for Business 2014
Communities need a resume to showcase what they have to offer site selectors and new business in terms of labour, demographics, transportation and so much more. This 84 page document does just that while following the IEDC data standards, wherever possible.
Township of Langley, Economic Profiles
Six industry profiles I’ve researched and written for the Township, include:
* Agriculture
Diversifying Agribusiness – Sustainable And Attractive: From Farm Gate To Value-Added Food Processing
* Air Transportation
Langley’s Airport Business Centre – Training Tomorrow’s Pilots And Servicing The World’s Rotary Wing Industry
* Education
Specialized Education And Training Opportunities – Making Learning Attractive, Available And Accessible
* Health Care & Social Assistance
Aging In Place In The Township – Retirement Residences, Assisted Living & Residential Care Facilities Meeting Needs
* Home Based Businesses
Home-Based Businesses – Incubators For The Township’s Small- And Medium-Sized Employers And Life Style Choices For Residents
* Motion Picture & Sound Recording
Friendly Permit Process, A Regional Tax Credit, And Distinct Look Draws Filming To The Township – Being Accommodating Makes Good Business Sense